Sunday Fashion Exhibit

Temple Performing Arts Center 1837 N. Broad St, Philadelphia, PA 19122
All Events postponed to 2024

Event Sponsors

Human travel by any means involves a “departure” from what we thought we knew for sure. This is especially true in the age of international air travel, where traveling can lead us, on the one hand, to visual disorientation and the ubiquitous “jet lag,” but also the possibility that transportation, by altering our perspective, can also lead us to change our viewpoints on any number of issues, moving from the narrow to the expansive, from the restricted to the pluralistic.
This exhibition examines the above premise through the lens of international fashion, and will take place in front of a stunning visual backdrop of some of the most futuristic airports on the planet

With this exhibition setting, domestic and international designers, artisans and apparel businesses will have the opportunity to showcase their fashions and accessories; they are united by their talent and creativity, but also by their faith in Islam and their participation in the “ummah”, the world-wide community of 1.68 billion Muslims. These designers will be a collection of high-quality male and female style influencers representing several mainly Muslim-Majority countries.

Directing this exhibition at the Arts & Culture Festival of the Muslim Communities of Philadelphia will be Lubna Muhammad, a veteran of over 40 years in modest and mainstream fashion.

Our goal is to show diversity and creativity while maintaining modesty and integrity in a family friendly environment. Our models will include families, couples, singles, groups and children of various ages Set in scenes as they travel through the airport for boarding

As we trot the globe, designers and artisans will each represent a particular country of destination such as France, Morocco, India, Senegal, Malaysia, Indonesia and others.

So grab your passport, we’re about to embark on a journey of “fashionation, inspiration and modest splendor.” A trip the whole family can take.

Up, up and away flight 2023

"We are committed to presenting a festival whose performers and organizers are as racially and ethnically diverse as the great metropolis they call home. And as a consequence of this goal of diversity, all events at the Festival will be available without tickets, so that all who visit one of the many Festival venues can do so for free."
We firmly believe this festival can make a positive impact on interfaith understanding, especially in a region founded upon the creed of religious tolerance. By celebrating our cultural differences, the festival challenges the purveyors of bigotry and hate, and seeks to strengthen the bonds between different communities of faith by fostering mutual understanding across religious, racial, and ethnic backgrounds. Your sponsorship will demonstrate your commitment to these ideals.  Your support will make this festival and all the events associated with it free-of-charge and open to the public. 
For more information about the festival
Call: 267-515-6710
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